Math Board (prototype)

Displays the amount of any number from 1 to 99 randomly on the Dot Matrix. Simulates the addtion of two numbers by showing the amount of total dot-LEDs that are on.

Using an AT8951, a 4×4 keypad and two LED dot-matrix this board simulates two basic mathematical functions:


Displays randomly the amount represented by any number given by the user between 1 and 99. For example: if you type 27, then 27 dots from the LED dot-matrix will turn on randomly. Every time you press the „ENT“ button, another 27 dots-LEDs will turn on randomly. It will teach the young children that a number represents an amount (and the position or pattern of this amount doesn’t matter).

Amount addition

Simulates the addition of two numbers by showing the total amount. For example if you type „3“ and then „+“, three dot-LEDs will light up randomly and then if you press for example“5″ and „ENT“ another five dot-LEDs will light up randomly (taking care that they will not use the positions of the LEDs that are already on). The dot-matrix shows the total of the sum.

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